Volleyball comes out

By Rowe Davidson

For the past two years or so, a men's group has been meeting on Sunday afternoons having a lot of fun and sharing comraderie. I've seen it and let me tell you, it's an incredible experience. Guys whose silhouettes were all you ever saw across the bar in some local weekend watering hole are right there in broad daylight having a real hoot on the court. Outfits run the gamut from utilitarian Jeans and gym shoes, to hot dog stripes and adidas.

Everyone is made to feel welcome no matter what skill level hé has; no matter how low his level of confidence. That fact seems to be the reason for the success of the group. Fun is the whole reason for getting together and new players seem

to make that discovery every Sunday.

The whole affair is the brainchild of Bill McBride, a transplanted Chicagoan, who was tired of all the usual standingaround-drink-in-hand Cleveland weekend activity. He got a few guys together one summer afternoon two years ago and the ball has been bouncing back and forth over the net ever since. Dur'ing the long winter months games have been held Sundays from 2:00-4:00 p.m. at St. Paul's Community Church Gym 4427 Franklin Avenue on the near west side. Rental of the facility and purchase and repair of some equipment, are the reasons for the one dollar charged to players each week. Most guys see this as a kind of social club dues, a concept that Bill and Jim Blevins are

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trying to develop. For example, last year there were parties for Mardi Gras and St. Patrick's Day and a wild toboggan and Pizza Party which they're still talking about.

sibly Chicago. The feeling of commitment to the group is very strong, according to Schultz, who said that players have invested an average of $20.00 each in their equipment.

As you see, gay men's volleyball is coming out and even more fun is in store for the spring and summer. Jim Blevins has plans to bring volleyball outdoors again and combine organized activity with picnics and swimming at a local park. He is quick to add that volleyball need not be the only kind.of function the group will undertake, it just happens to be popular with the active players right now.

A spin-off group of Sunday players have really gotten into volleyball on a competitive level. They have been meeting at St. Paul's Gym on Tuesday nights from 6:30-9:00 p.m. Ray Schultz, their coach, tells me that the Tuesday night group has been learning more about the game and perfecting their skills. Drills for serving, receiving the ball, setting-up and spiking the ball are part of the program. Practice in blocking an opponent's Both Sunday and Tuesday spikes, faking with alternative groups invite anyone interested plays, and playing as a team, to come and watch and cheer the have raised the level of action. guys on. No need for you to stand The group is looking forward to around anymore wishing there scrimmage games in Cleveland, were something to do--come out Columbus, Cincinnati and posto volleyball.

MARCH 1981 HIGH GEAR Page 15

From an article entitled "Jerry Falwell's Troubles" by Michael Reese and Howard Fineman which appeared in the February 23, 1981 issue of NEWSWEEK:

"Falwell's roughest sailing so far has been in the political waters of his own conservative state. Early this month, Joseph T. Fitzpatrick, a liberal state senator and longtime Falwell foe, championed a resolution in the Virginia Senate that would encourage schools to distribute copies of Thomas Jefferson's famous statutes on religious freedom. Taking it as a personal slap, Falwell sent a letter to every senator condemning the resolution. In a state where Jefferson is a political icon, Falwell was rebuked by a unanimous vote. 'It's becoming clear how politically naive Falwell and his people are,' says one legislator."

Notable quote

Billy Graham as quoted by Marguerite Michaels in an article entitled "Billy Graham: America is Not God's Only Kingdom" in the February 1, 1981 Issue of PARADE MAGAZINE: Referring to the Moral Majority:

It would be unfortunate if people got the impression all evangelists belong to that group. The majority do not. I don't wish to be identified with them.

"I'm for morality. But morality goes beyond sex to human freedom and social justice...Evangelists can't be closely identified with any particular party or person. We have to stand in the middle to preach to all people, right and left. I haven't been faithful to my own advice in the past. I will be in the future." Referring to having spoken with Jerry Falwell:

"I told him to preach the Gospel. That's our calling. I want to preserve the purity of the Gospe! and the freedom of religion in America. I don't want to see religious bigotry in any form. Liberals organized in the 60s, and conservatives certainly have a right to organize in the 80s, but it would disturb me if there was a wedding between the religious fundamentalists and the political right. The hard right has no interest in religion except to manipulate it."



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